On Tuesday, Sept. 26, I’ll be responding to your questions in an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit Fantasy. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/ (I’ll add a more specific link later.) That’s the same day as the release of War and Craft, the conclusion to my trilogy. So please come on by and ask your questions!
I’ll be at the Baltimore Book Fest this Friday and Sunday at the SFWA tent, where SFWA partner The Ivy Bookshop will have early release copies of War and Craft for sale.
My schedule:
Friday 9/22
4PM Worldbuilding For Writers
6PM Fiction Pairings: I Liked ____, Now What Do I Read?
Sunday 9/24
1PM Signing
4PM Forget What You Learned In School: Alternate History, Secret History, Real History
5PM Doctor, Who…Should I read if I like Doctor Who…or Game of Thrones…or…?